

วันพุธที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Emglish article from PAD 26 Nov 2551

Read by click This Link

PAD’s Announcement on the Ultimatum for the Prime Minister to Resign Immediately and Without Condition

The People’s Alliance for Democracy has been rallying continuously since May 25, 2008 for 2 main objectives;With deepest respect, People’s Alliance for Democracy Thursday, November 25, 2008


Random thoughts: PAD, UDD, the blogs and the future

I think it would be arrogant for any of us to pretend we have all the knowledge and all the answers for the ongoing political crisis. We all have our own questions, opinions and ideas.

I could write pages of my own, but it would probably end up a garbled, fragmented mess. So instead, I will simply brainstorm my own thoughts and opinions, and I invite others to do the same.


