


วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Well, Mr. Abisith Vejjajiva,

1. Have you been to the 3-4 provinces in the South to visit the Army, Police or the people?
Abisith: NO and NEVER WILL. (I'm coward)

2. Have you been to Sakaew, to see where exactly
the 7 Thai people were arrested
by Cambodian soldier,
where once was a Refugee Camp for Cambodian?
Abisith: NO and NEVER WILL. (I'm lazy)

3. Have you done anything good for Thailand eversince?
Abisith: NO, NOTHING. (I have no capacity)

4. Can you confirm that the PAD is telling lies to the people?
Abisith: NO, but I think they do. (I'm an expert in telling lies.s.s.s)

5. Have you done anything against those bad politicians
who are so corrupted?
Abisith: NO. (They promise to let me sit STILL on this chair I love most.)

Do you think you are the right person to work
as prime minister for Thailand?
Abisith: YES, OF COURSE.

This is the SUPER STUPID IDIOT prime minister - ABISITH VEJJAJIVA.

whom we gave the chance,
because we mistakenly thought
that he had an ability and quality.

It is a big mistake and we are very disappointed.

