

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Letter from PAD Supporter to Clarify Rally

Letter from PAD Supporter to Clarify Rally
On November 26, a young woman, dressed in a yellow shirt, was seen walking
around the PAD rally site at Suvarnabhumi Airport, distributing a message in English to help clarify the PAD rally.
“This is to clarify the situation here in Thailand as I believe the foreign press have formed the conclusion that the PAD has little chance of winning this final battle to topple the Nominee Government of Somchai Wongsawat, the brother-in-law of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra. Before I say anything else, I'd like to stress here the the PAD's policy is to use ONLY peaceful means and we have proved our intention by using only reason for the last six months. However, the continuous and nearly daily violence and murderous acts committed against us have come from either the Government, or its representatives, the red-shirted United Frong of Democracy against Dictatorship, which are trying everything in their power to pave the way for the return of Thaksin Shinawatra to become the first President of Thailand.
The aim of the PAD is to rebuild a country based on integrity, honesty, freedom from corruption and fairness from all Thais: all this together with the absolute determination to maintain and honour the Monarchy. We have the most wonderful and exceptional King who has reigned over his people with wisdom and love as the rest of the world is well aware.
Practically the whole of Thailand from all walks of life has converged onto
Bangkok to support the PAD. We are not being paid to be here to use violence to get our way. We are not here to support a handful of corrupt politicians serving only one man who wants to divide our country. But we are here by choice, we are here to share an ideal, we are here to realize our goal which is to rebuild our country into a better place for the 60-odd million citizens.
It's actually not a question of "winning or losing" --
it's the reality of achieving what is good and right for our country --Thailand.”

