

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2550

People Mapping

People Mapping
มิรา ชัยมหาวงศ์

People Mapping Project inspired by Professor Prawase Wasi who referred to “Respecting the knowledge from experience of all human being create prestige which is a basis morality of being a community.” An objective of the project aimed to change value and attitude of community members to respecting in their own self and respecting each others.

People Mapping using Participatory Learning & Action Research (PLAR) as a tool to vreate learning process with volunteers from 3 communities, Ban Thung-Yee Peng, Ban Hua Laem and Ban Sang Ka-U in Koh Lanta Yai, Krabi. A main researcher creates learning process such as deep listening, system thinking and working with the volunteers to seek for the moral of the people. The volunteers will reflect the value of people by using print media on the basis of the idea that “Everybody has their own value”.

จากการประชุมวิชาการ การบูรณาการเทคโนโลยี สังคมกับชุมชน คณะศิลปศาสตร์
King Mongkut’s university of technology Thonburi
September 22, 2006

