

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2550

Development of Tuberculosis Treatment Data Management System in Hospital of Nakhonratchasima Province

AUTHOR Mr.Pongsak Chaowanklang

ADVISORS Asst.Prof.Wirat Phongsiri and Asst.Prof.Jiratta Phuboon-ob

DEGREE M.P.H. MAJOR Information Technology Management in Public Health

UNIVERSITY Mahasarakham University DATE 2004


Findings from the studies of tuberculosis treatment in hospitals indicated that these were problems related to tuberculosis treatment included the problems of data collection for diagnosis, medical treatment records, sputum exam records, follow-up for mis-appointed case and incorrect reports. These problems are the causes of unsatisfactory tuberculosis treatments to patients as expected performances. The purposes of this study were to 1) development of tuberculosis treatment data management system in hospital of Nakhonratchasima province, and 2) identify satisfaction of health care personnel at tuberculosis clinic in hospital of Nakhonratchasima province with the tuberculosis treatment data management system. The samples whom convinced to evaluate satisfaction on tuberculosis treatment data management system were 32 health care personnel at tuberculosis clinic in hospital of Nakhonratchasima province. A stratified random sampling technique was employed according to the number of beds in the hospital. One hospital was selected from each strata and all of the health care personnel at tuberculosis clinic in the selected hospital were included. A Black-Box method was used to test the effectiveness of the tuberculosis treatment data management system. The system was evaluated by using the demonstration and interview. Data collection of the satisfaction of health care personnel was done by using the demonstration and interview. The instruments in this study consisted of the tuberculosis treatment data management system and the satisfaction of health care personnel with the tuberculosis treatment data management system questionnaires. The reliability of the satisfaction questionnaires was 0.93. The statistics for data analysis in this study were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results of this study showed that (1) the developed tuberculosis treatment data management system was able to collect and search for treatment data, follow mis-appointed case, report the data to medical networks and analyze the treatment correctly, and (2) the satisfaction of sampling users with the tuberculosis treatment data management system was the most in the functional ability of the system, user interface and the security of the data.

In conclusion, tuberculosis treatment data management system developed by the researcher could responded to user requirement and support the clinical practice at tuberculosis clinic.

