

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2550

A Construction of a Geographic Information System Model : A Case Study of Food Control Systems under the Office of Trat Provincial Public Health

AUTHOR Mrs. Sukanda Iamsirithawon

ADVISORS Asst. Prof. Dr. Somjit Artin and Asst. Prof Chirattha Phubunop

DEGREE M.P.H MAJOR Public Health Information Management

UNIVERSITY Mahasarakham University DATE 2006


The food control systems are regarded as an important mission which the Ministry of Public Health as the major host must perform. Food control is under Food Act 1979. The main point of this Act determines that the agencies involved must control and direct the food production entrepreneurial places to pass the standard criteria for good manufacturing practice for safety of consumers under the Office of Trat Provincial Public Health that has its functional roles in receiving and considering requests as well as issuing licences of establishing food production factories. At the stage of licencing, there must be inspection of factory site to see whether the place is appropriate or not. And the factory site must not cause pollution to the environment. Therefore, it is very necessary for work performers to have data involving geographic information systems for supplementing to decision-making on approving of establishment of each food production factory.

The purpose of this study was to construct a geographic information system model by using standard T-scores from the factors affecting food production factory establishment. The levels were then divided by using stratification into 4 levels. Scores were determined for all levels of discrimination. Databaser were constructed in the manner relations. Then all tambons were evaluated to see which tambons was most appropriate to establish the food production factory by using the method of analyzing data using data overlaying method from the databases in the manner relations to the geographic information systems by multiplying the scores on discrimination according to the model in the order to show mapping at the tambon level appropriate for establishing food production factories.

The results of the study revealed that the 4 most appropriate tambons from 4 Amphoes which received a grade A were Tambon Bang Pit and Tambon Khlong Yai of Amphoe Laem Ngop, Tambon Ko Chang of King Amphoe Ko Chang, and Tambon Saen Tung of Amphoe Khaow Saming. These tambons have the highest scores on appropriateness of the factors that received from weighting.

In conclusion, the constructed geographic information system model could be used as database for supplementing to decision-making on consideration of issuing licences for establishing food production factories in Changwat Trat in the future.

