


วันพุธที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Brahma-vihara or the four Sublime States of Consciousness denote four qualities of the heart which, when developed and magnified to their fullest, lift man to the highest level of being. These qualities are:
1. Metta, which means all-embracing kindness or the desire to make other happy, as opposed to hatred or the desire to make others suffer. Metta build up genorosity in one’s character, giving it firmness, freeing it from irritation and excitement, thus generating only friendliness to anyone, even to the smallest creatures, through hatred, anger or even for fun.
2. Karuna, which means compassion or desire to free those who suffer from their suffering, as opposed to the desire to be harmful. Karuna also builds up generosity in one’s character, making one desirous to assist those who suffer. Karuna is one of the greatest benefactions of the Buddha as well as of the monarch and of such benefactors as our fathers and mothers.
3. Mudita, which means sympathetic joy or rejoicing with, instead of felling envious of, those who are fortunate. Mudita builds up the character in such a way that it promotes only virtues and mutual happiness and prosperity.
4. Upekkha, which means equanimity or composure of mind whenever necessary, for instance, when one witnesses a person’s misfortune, one’s mind remains composed. One does not rejoice because that person is one’s enemy nor grieve because that person is one’s beloved. One should see others without prejudice or preference but in the light of Kamma or will-action. Everyone is subject to his own Kamma, heir to the effects of his own will-actions. Earnest contemplation of Kamma or the law of Cause and Effect will lead to the suppression of egocentric contemplation and result in the attainment of a state of equanimity. Upekkha builds up the habit of considering everything from the point of view of right or wrong and ultimately leads to a sense of right-doing in all things.

These four qualities should be cultivated and developed in our hearts by generating metta or loving kindness to all beings in general and to some in particular. If this practice is repeated often, our minds will become impregnated with them often, thus displacing hindrances such as hatred and anger. Pursued long enough, it will ultimately become a habit which will bring with it only happiness.

